Compost can be hugely beneficial to soil, helping to optimise soil health and aid carbon sequestration.

Plants need minerals from soil and carbon dioxide from air in order to grow. Some of this carbon goes into the ground. In fact, soil stores three times more carbon than the atmosphere and twice the amount of trees and forests. However, soil can also lose these carbon stores when degraded. The loss of carbon from poor soils contributes to the rise of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and accelerates climate change.

Carbon sequestration in the form of composting also makes for long-lasting ecological benefits. Over time, for instance, farmers and producers who compost on agricultural land can expect higher crop yields while also reducing or outright eliminating the need for chemical fertilisers.

The application of compost is a key regenerative farming practice. It improves soil health and soil drainage, creating healthier, more resilient environments for crops to thrive as well as capturing carbon in the soil.

Why is soil health important?

  • Plants and trees capture carbon from the atmosphere and store it safely in the ground (this is known as biosequestration)
  • Healthy and natural nutrient rich soil leads to healthy plants
  • Healthy plants and trees are big and strong with increased carbon storing capacity
  • The more carbon can be captured by plants, the less carbon in the atmosphere leading to a balance of gases on earth so the planet can start to heal

Compost helps to maintain or restore soil health, infusing nutrients such as carbon, phosphorus, and nitrogen back into the soil while making it lighter and more porous. In turn, healthy soils help to retain water and prevent erosion, while allowing plant and animal life to flourish and perpetuate the cycle of restoration.

To find out more about organic waste management services from Envar Composting...